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Sandersfit Rehab & Recovery

Injury Recovery & Rehab Nutrition

IRR -Injury Recovery & Rehab Nutrition

At Sandersfit Rehab & Recovery we specialize in a holistic approach to injury recovery. In addition to world-class Physical Therapists, our Injury Recovery and Rehab Nutrition Program is tailored for both athletes and non-athletes recovering from injury and surgery.

Over a six-week period, we guide you through three phases:

  • Inflammation Reduction Phase, with a focused 10-day diet reset to combat inflammation;
  • Repair Phase, where we concentrate on tissue regeneration and joint health;
  • Replenish Phase, aimed at long-term wellness and injury prevention.

We design anti-inflammatory meal plans with targeted supplement recommendations and education. Partnered with physical therapy, our program not only accelerates recovery from injuries and surgeries but also teaches you how to maintain a healthy, injury-resistant lifestyle through nutrition.

Our goal is to help you recover faster, stronger, and with a deeper understanding of how nutrition plays a crucial role in your overall health and injury resilience.

Our Unique Three-Phase Program

Over six transformative weeks, we guide you through three critical phases:

1. Inflammation Reduction Phase

Rapidly reducing inflammation is key in the initial stages of rehab and recovery, as it sets the foundation for effective healing. By targeting inflammation through diet, we help create an optimal environment for your body to begin its repair process.

  • Comprehensive Initial Consultation: This first meeting is a deep dive into our program. We provide a step-by-step overview, focusing on the dynamics of inflammation in the body and the pivotal role of diet in controlling and reducing it. This session is not just informative but interactive, ensuring we tailor our approach to your unique needs.

  • 10-Day Inflammation Rapid Reduction Food Challenge: 10 days of anti-inflammatory eating, with a comprehensive meal plan, grocery lists, and recipes.

  • Supplement Recommendations: To complement the dietary changes, we propose supplements specifically selected to boost the body's natural inflammation-fighting capabilities.

  • Hydration Plan: We also emphasize the importance of proper hydration in this process, providing guidelines to ensure you stay adequately hydrated, further aiding in inflammation reduction.

  • Ongoing Support: Access to Expertise for Continued Success: Throughout your entire recovery journey with us, from the Inflammation Reduction to the Replenish Phase, you are never alone. You'll have direct email access and phone support from our experienced holistic nutrition counselor, Niki Claybrook.

2. Repair Phase

In the Repair Phase, our focus shifts to fostering joint health and facilitating tissue regeneration, integral components of sustained recovery. This stage is about building upon the initial groundwork and tailoring the recovery process to meet your specific rehabilitation needs.

  • In-Depth Coaching Session: This second consultation is crucial. We delve into the nuances of the Repair Phase, providing a detailed understanding of how nutrition and lifestyle choices impact joint health and tissue regeneration. This session is designed to be educational and empowering, offering you the tools and knowledge needed for this next recovery stage.

  • Specialized Meal Planning: We continue with our Unpickled Meal Plan®, now adjusted to focus more on foods that support joint stability and tissue health. This phase includes a comprehensive list of anti-inflammatory foods and guidelines on what to reduce or avoid, ensuring a diet conducive to healing and repair.

  • Lifestyle Modification Recommendations: Understanding the vital role of overall lifestyle in recovery, we provide tailored advice for stress reduction and sleep improvement, critical factors in the body's healing process.

  • Supplement Optimization: We review and adjust the supplement regimen to align with the specific demands of the Repair Phase, aiding in joint stability and enhancing tissue regeneration for effective and long-lasting recovery.

3. Remodeling Phase

The Replenish Phase is pivotal in transitioning from recovery to maintaining long-term health and preventing future injuries. This phase is designed to instill practices and habits that foster optimal cellular health, ensuring sustained wellness even after you’ve fully recovered.

  • Sustained Wellness Consultation: A follow-up meeting that serves as a bridge between recovery and your journey to long-term health. We discuss strategies to continue promoting cellular health, focusing on maintaining the gains achieved during recovery and how to integrate these practices into your everyday life.

  • Extended Unpickled Meal Plan®: We extend the benefits of the Unpickled Meal Plan for an additional month, fine-tuning it to support your transition into a lifestyle geared towards long-term wellness. This phase of the meal plan emphasizes not just recovery but also the nourishment and balance needed to prevent future injuries.

  • Inflammation Management Guidance: Long-term management of inflammation is key to maintaining joint and tissue health. We provide continued recommendations and adjustments to your diet to ensure inflammation is kept at bay, safeguarding your body against potential future injuries or reoccurrences.
  • Ongoing Supplement Evaluation: As your body and lifestyle evolve post-recovery, we'll review and tweak your supplements to align with your long-term health goals. This ensures that your body receives the right support for optimal cellular function and injury prevention.

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